EDIN AGM 2020 and #EDINIrlChallenge!

EDIN’s AGM will take place online on 29th May 2020. Ahead of the AGM we are throwing open the #EDINIrlChallenge and invite all our members to take part.

What is the EDIN Challenge?

Unfortunately, EDIN cannot run its normal AGM this year, nor could we run any events in spring. We don’t have the usual opportunity for members to gather, reconnect and chat, or invite a guest speaker to stimulate our thinking for next year.

We know how challenging the semester has been and that EDIN members have been working many long hours to continue delivering their commitments, and at the same time support our colleagues across the disciplines with the ‘pivot’ online and rapid change to alternative assessments. To celebrate the work of academic developers we are launching an online ‘challenge’ for the two weeks leading into the AGM, to provide some peer support, reconnection, and perhaps some temporary diversion from our day-to-day obligations.

The pandemic has meant new recognition for and visibility of educational developers, instructional designers, e-learning specialists, and learning support professionals in our sector. But sometimes we have still needed to explain our work. And those people outside work in our home lives might be very puzzled about why we are so busy when our offices are closed.

So the challenge is to come up with a photo, drawing, ‘shelfie’ (your bookshelf) with a comment, or aphorism that reflects your work.

If you use Twitter or Instagram, you can post your selection with the hashtag #EDINIrlChallenge. If you are not using social media, you can email it [edinnetwork at gmail.com] with your consent for us to post it via EDIN’s Twitter account. We will share a sample of postings at the AGM.

The aim is to communicate the very positive contribution we are all making at this time to help members reconnect and know that we are all working together to enable teaching, learning and assessment to continue in our organisations.